Celebrating 6 Years of Taking 4Axis Up the Global Ladder!

September 19, 2018


The best reward one could ever hope for after years of determination and hard work is progress. And for us at 4 Axis Solutions, our 6th year of being in the industry has certainly moved us further along in more ways than one!

From having our products make headway in the global market, to expanding our team of hard workers, the past year has definitely been an exciting one!

And as you might already know, celebrating each passing year is a big part of our Axian family tradition! So it’s safe to say that by the start of September, we’d already planned ahead for our annual anniversary one night stay!

This time, we were to take our festivities to the idyllic and Eco-friendly Heritance Kandalama Hotel in Dambulla. It was a long drive on the first Friday of September and as always we got to amusing ourselves with some very loud singing accompanied by excellent drumming skills!

Before arriving at our destination, we stopped for a visit to the Cave Temple of Dambulla, an established World Heritage Sight…



It was an entirely serene experience as we marveled at the statues and images, immersed in the history and religion of our country, while some of us used the opportunity to spend a few moments in prayer.

Afterwards it was not long before we were being welcomed at our destination in the heat of the late afternoon sun, and after an hour spent settling in, it was time to get our anniversary celebrations underway!



Hard work has never gone unappreciated at 4 Axis and that day was no exception! All members of our team were awarded the benefit of health insurance, in appreciation for their constant efforts!

Afterwards, we spent the best part of an hour reflecting back on the year we’d only just completed during which our company had become a member of SLASSCOM and had received recognition by Island of Ingenuity for our success on the international stage!

We were also given the exciting news that our flagship product Drawing Desk had just reached another milestone of 16 million downloads by the start of August!

It was a lot to look back on and it served to remind us of how far we’ve come since the inception of 4 Axis!

As our official celebrations came to an end, we were just about ready to let loose and begin our usual string of fun and games! We spent the rest of our day absorbed in an intense session of cricket in the fading light..



..followed by multiple games of table tennis..


…and back to back games of carom!



Ultimately, not only was this trip an opportunity to celebrate our sixth year as a company but it also gave us the chance to form new friendships having only recently welcomed a few new members to our family!

The team dynamic we have is certainly a unique one, where innovative thinking is always encouraged, and opinions are expressed freely; strict rules are not our way with there being an unspoken assurance that each member is fully committed to the task at hand!

Carrying forward this same attitude and fueled by the success of our sixth year, we remain eager to face the coming months ahead. We’ve been around long enough to know that progress needs to be worked for and that’s exactly what we plan to do.. because at 4 Axis, we’re all about moving forward and achieving dreams through teamwork and determination!